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About BFE

The Alliance for IP Media Solutions (AIMS) is a non-profit trade alliance that promotes vendor-neutral standards and protocols to optimize interoperability in IP-based contribution, production and distribution. AIMS thus makes a valuable contribution to the technology shift from SDI to IP-based system environments in the media and broadcast industry.

The Advanced Media Workflow Association (AMWA) is an association currently focussing on moving the industry to IP-based architectures and optimizing media workflows. To this end, AMWA has developed the Networked Media Open Specifications (NMOS), which allows devices to be discovered and easily integrated into system configurations. In addition, AMWA has developed and maintains i.a. the Media Exchange Format (MXF), the Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) and the Framework for Interoperable Media Services (FIMS). Members of AMWA are media companies as well as software and hardware manufacturers of media systems and applications.
Fachverband Leitstellen e. V.

Control centers for fire control and civil protection, rescue services and the police play an indispensable key role in emergency prevention and emergency management. Regardless of the pending legal anchoring, these control centers are to be regarded as critical infrastructure from the point of view of the Fachverband Leitstellen and evaluated accordingly. For this reason, the association is committed to the creation of uniform nationwide guidelines for the staffing and technical equipment of control centers, the implementation of uniform technical and organizational standards to facilitate data exchange, and the possible creation of redundancies between them.

The Fernseh- und Kinotechnische Gesellschaft (FKTG) is one of the oldest and at the same time one of the most established technical associations in Germany. The main objective of the FKTG is to offer all scientists, engineers and technicians working in the television and film industry a basis for the exchange of ideas and experience and thus to consistently promote the further development of these technical fields. BFE actively supports this objective as a sponsoring company, as well as through technical presentations at the symposia and regional events organized by the FKTG, and through technical articles in the Fernseh- und Kino-Technik (FKT) business magazine. FKT is the official organ of the FKTG and the business magazine for television, film and electronic media in Europe. The spectrum of technical and practical articles covers interdisciplinary topics from television, film, video and audio technology, production and media management.

The International Trade Association for the Broadcast & Media Industry (IABM) facilitates global networking and interaction among broadcast and media technology providers. Its extensive market research analyses capture and analyze market and technology trends. This provides ideal support for the constant and rapid change in the media industry.